Dean of the Faculty – Cand. Sc. Biology, Associate Professor, Professor
Какеев Бакир Аскарович
102/5, Lev Tolstoy str., Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic, 720000
The Medical Faculty of KRSU was opened at the order of the Rector of KRSU No. 79-p dated June 15, 1994 in coordination with the State University of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Objective of the KRSU Medical Faculty

The objective of the Medical Faculty is to train doctors able to work both in primary care settings and for further postgraduate medical education, combining high general professional training with a broad common cultural horizons, computer literacy, knowledge and skills of interpersonal communication, which are given in the university learning environment.

Specialist training is carried out taking into account the needs of the healthcare sectors of Kyrgyzstan and Russia, their reform strategies. In the process of teaching, the advances of modern medical science are taken into consideration and used, as well as information about forefront of modern research in practical healthcare not only in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, but also on a more global dimension.

Educational Fields of Study (Tracks)

The Faculty turns out doctors with a basic university education majoring in:

  • General Medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Dentistry
Students are trained according to curricula drawn up in strict accordance with Russian and Kyrgyz State Educational Standards, requiring an outcome-based approach to learning. All types of work experience internships required by the Russian State Standards are implemented at the Faculty. Their programs are based on the checklists of applied skills approved by the Ministries of Health of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic.

Graduates obtain two medical diplomas: a Russian one and a Kyrgyz one. After graduation most of them continue their postgraduate studies in residency training, and some of them at the graduate school under the Russian Educational Programs.

The Faculty implements 39 Training Programs for Interns.

2022 saw the 23rd graduation of General Practitioners, the 14th graduation of Pediatricians and Dental Practitioners and the 21st graduation of Resident Medical Practitioners who obtained the appropriate certifications (qualifications) and certificates confirming their rights to work in the chosen area of medicine. In total, over the entire period of Faculty activity 2434 General Practitioners, 941 Pediatricians and 1816 Dental Practitioners have been trained. Most of them work in Kyrgyzstan. However a number of graduates were able to enter and complete successfully their studies in residency or postgraduate studies at leading medical institutes in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and other cities of Russia. Some of them practice in medicine now in the USA, Germany, Israel, India, Pakistan, and China.

Faculty Structure

In 1994, the Faculty had only one Department of medico-biological and medico-psychological subjects of study. Nowadays the Faculty consists of:

  • Dean’s office;
  • Organizational and methodological office;
  • Center for monitoring the quality of health services and manpower development;
  • Department of postgraduate medical education, advanced training and employment;
  • Preparatory courses for foreign students;
  • 4 learning and teaching laboratories:
    • Interdepartmental university laboratory of innovative technologies for teaching medical subjects;
    • Clinical chemistry laboratory;
    • Teaching and learning process improvement laboratory;
    • Experimental simulation of pathological processes laboratory;
  • 3 learning and teaching classrooms and 1 informational and training aids department;
  • Center for Simulation-based training and Accreditation of doctors;
  • Center for Medical practice implementation;
  • Medical education Center for foreign students;
  • Center for cooperation with public health organizations;
  • Dentistry learning and clinical center;
  • and 38 Profession-oriented Departments:
    • Chemistry and Biochemistry Department  
    • Physics, Health Informatics and Biology Department
    • Hominal Physiology Department
    • Pathological Physiology Department
    • Pathoanatomy Department
    • Forensic Medicine Department
    • Histologic Anatomy, Cell Biology, Fetology Department  
    • Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Department
    • Hygieology Department
    • Public Health and Public Healthcare Service Department
    • Internal Medicine Department No.1 for majors “Pediatry” and “Dentistry”
    • Internal Medicine Department No. 2 for major “General Medicine”
    • General and Theoretical Surgery Department
    • Hospital Surgery Department
    • Urology Department
    • Traumatology and Orthopedics Department
    • Pediatrics Department
    • Department of Pediatric Surgery
    • Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
    • Surgical Dentistry Department
    • Therapeutic Dentistry Department
    • Orthopedic Dentistry Department
    • Pediatric Dentistry, Maxillofacial and Anaplastic Surgery Department
    • Cancer Science and Radiation Therapy Department
    • Diagnostic Radiology Department of
    • Ophthalmology Department
    • Otorhinolaryngology Department
    • Neurology, Neurosurgery and Clinical Genetics Department
    • Infectious Diseases Department
    • Dermatovenerology and Phthisiology Department
    • Medical Rehabilitation Department
    • Medical Psychology, Psychiatrics and Psychotherapy Department
    • Emergency Medicine Department
    • Microbiology and Virology Department
    • Epidemiology and Immunology Department
    • Anatomy, Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery Department
    • Family Medicine Department
    • Practical Training and Fundamentals of Research and Development Department.


Faculty Facilities and Resources

The departments of theoretical profile (Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy; Histologic Anatomy, Cell Biology, Fetology; Physics, Health Informatics and Biology; Microbiology and Virology; Emergency Medicine; Basic and Clinical Pharmacology; Epidemiology and Immunology; Hominal Physiology; Pathological Physiology; Chemistry and Biochemistry) are located at most in instruction building No. 9 at the address 102/5 Lev Tolstoj Str , as well as in university teaching  buildings No. 12 and 13, located in Alamedin-1 microdistrict, using 5 lecture halls, a library hall, 5 ICT rooms, 78 classrooms and 5 laboratories, 1 vivarium, 13 administrative offices, an anatomy museum equipped with a hardware and software complex “Interactive Anatomical Pyrohov atlas-table”. Public Health and Public Healthcare Service Department is located on the basis of the National Center of Oncology and Hematology at the address 92a Ahunbaev Str. Hygieology Department is located in instruction building No.12 of the KRSU in Alamedin-1 microdistrict. Pathoanatomy Department is located on the territory of the Republican Mental Health Center at 1 Bajtik Batyr Str.

The departments of clinical profile (therapeutic courses for specialties Pediatrics and Dentistry; General Medicine; General and Theoretical Surgery; Hospital Surgery; Urology; Traumatology and Orthopedics; Medical Psychology, Psychiatrics and Psychotherapy; Neurology, Family Medicine; Forensic Medicine; Medical Rehabilitation; Neurology; Neurosurgery and Clinical Genetics;  Dermatovenerology and Phthisiology; Infectious Diseases; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Pediatrics; Pediatric Surgery; Cancer Science and Radiation Therapy; Diagnostic Radiology; Ophthalmology; Otorhinolaryngology; Family Medicine) are located on the bases of the relevant medical institutions, National Medical Centers and Research Institutes of Republican and city subordination. The Departments of Surgical Dentistry, Therapeutic Dentistry, Orthopedic Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, Maxillofacial and Anaplastic Surgery are located in instruction building No.13 (Alamedin-1microdistrict).

According to Order of the Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 680 dated September 29, 2018, the Medical Faculty of the KRSU is attached to 38 curative and preventive health care institutions. Nowadays it uses the best clinical bases in Bishkek.

The relationships between Departments and Medical Organizations are specified by the Regulation “On the Clinical Department”, revised with reference to Order of Rector No. 202-p dated May 20, 2008, as well as the existing bilateral agreements.


Academic Teaching Personnel

The educational process is provided by 460 teachers. 318 (69.1%) of them are full-time teachers, 54.7% of whom has academic degrees and academic titles. Among full-time teaching staff there is 1 Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 1 Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 35 Doctors, Professors; 2 Candidates of Sciences, Professors; 132 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors including 20 Honored  Doctors of the Kyrgyz Republic, 4 Honored Scientists of the Kyrgyz Republic, 1 Honored Health Care Worker, 1 Honored Worker of Education and Honored Worker of Culture. About 200 staff members have titles “Excellence in Education” and “Excellence in Health Care” of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Research Activities

At present the following Scientific Schools are functioning fruitfully at the Faculty:

  1. Academician M.M. Mirrakhimov School (14.00.05), led by Professor         I.S. Sabirov, studying the problem of “Clinical course of medical diseases and morbidity rate of the cardiovascular system in the high-altitude environments”.
  2. Pediatric School of Science (14.00.09), on the problem “Studying the influence of a complex of environmental and genetic factors on the physical growth and health status of children in the Kyrgyz Republic”, led by Professor S.J. Bokonbaeva
  3. School of Science “Public Health and Public Healthcare Service” (02/14/03), headed by MD, Professor Naken Kasievich Kasiev.
According to the decision of the Scientific and Technical Research Council of 19.03.2014 (Protocol No.7), the research activities at the Faculty are developed out within the context of the Common All-faculty program “Problems and challenges of fundamental clinical medicine in the XXI century” in 5 priority areas:
  1. Mountains and activities.
  2. Protection of the gene pool, reproduction and health of Kyrgyzstan people.
  3. Prophylactic strategies for chronic diseases and public health hazards in Kyrgyzstan.
  4. Scientific foundations of surgery optimizing in Kyrgyzstan.
  5. Innovative technologies in dentistry.


Faculty scientists participate actively in Scientific-Practical events of various levels. Their reports have been listened to in Russia, the USA, Great Britain, France, Spain, The Republic of Türkiye, Poland, China, Japan, Thailand and other foreign countries.
During the period of 2018-2022 academic years alone there were published 19 monographs, 14 textbooks (13 of them with a stamp of ME&S), 109 textbooks (32of them with a stamp of ME&S, 44 study guides (4 of them with a stamp of ME&S), 11 manuals, 1 reference textbook, 8 learning and teaching guidelines, 25 methodological recommendations, 5 resource books  (1 of them with a stamp of ME&S), 2 methodology guidelines, 1 practical guidelines.
There were obtained 25 patents, 16 copyright certificates, 16 certificates for innovation proposals. 245 acts of introduction were issued, 158 of them in the educational process, 74 of them in medical work, and 13 of them in schools, colleges and other universities.
During the same period our staff members took part in dozens of symposiums, congresses, forums, conferences, roundtables, exhibitions and other events held both on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad.


Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

According to the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 25 Scientific Majors for Postgraduate Training have been set up at the Faculty.
At present 63 post-degree students are studying at the postgraduate school (26 of them are studying on an intramural bases, 37 of them are studying on extramural bases).
The Faculty has 3 Dissertation Councils of the National Certification Commission under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.


International cooperation

The Faculty has extensive contacts with affined Medical Universities, Faculties, Centers and Research Institutes of the Russian Federation such as Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Medical University, Novosibirsk and Yaroslavl Medical Academies, Russian and St. Petersburg Medical Academies for Postgraduate Education, Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, All-Russian  Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Neonatology and many others.
Contractual relations with universities of the Central Asian region are maintained. Among them Tajik Medical University, Karaganda and West Kazakhstan Medical Academies. In total, more than 80 cooperation agreements (contracts) have been concluded.
On the initiative of the Faculty staff the Branch of the Russian Medical Association in Kyrgyzstan was opened in 2000, thanks to which KRSU has the opportunity to stay on top of all aspects of the healthcare system process reforming in Russia. The University is also a member society of the Eurasian Medical Union, and in 2015 it was accepted as a member of the Association “Vice-chancellors’ Committee of Medical and Pharmaceutical Schools of the Russian Federation. KRSU is one of the co-sponsors of the Association of Colleges of Human Medicine of the Kyrgyz Republic (together with KSMA, OshSU and IMHS of IUK).

Cooperation with I.M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University in the field of graduates’ and postgraduates’ employment.



The annual rate of applicants competing for each place averages out from 10 applicants (Pediatrics) to 55 applicants (Dentistry). This is facilitated not only by the popularity of the healing profession, but also by carrying out an active career guidance counceling. At present more than 2,000 students are studying, 73.7% of them on a contractual agreed basis.
The student body is multinational. In addition to Kyrgyzstanis, among the students there are citizens of Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia.
Moreover, representatives of non-CIS countries such as Iraq, Pakistan, South Korea, Israel, the Republic of Türkiye, Jordan, Syria, and India are trained. Most of the foreigners first take one-year preparatory courses, where students learn the basics of the Russian language, as well as some upcoming academic courses of the first year of studying. Since 2015 Indian students have been taught in English.
The decision-making body of the student life of the Faculty is the Youth Parliament, formed by election. In cooperation with the Dean’s office, this student co-management body organizes Faculty birthdays, holidays (“Profession is life!”, “New Year”, “Nooruz”), contests and academic competitions, festivals, sports competitions, charity and professional events.
In the 2019-2022 academic years, 36 of 38 Departments of the Medical Faculty administered Student Scientific Research Projects. 48 student research workshops functioned.
About 500 people are regularly engaged in scientific research in these circles, while the total number of students who participated in various events organized and conducted by the Departments of the KRSU Medical Faculty (academic competitions, conferences, quizzes and seminars) amounted to almost a thousand.
The success of students in Scientific Research Projects is much-publicized in Mass Media, social networks, encouraged by certificates of acknowledgements, awarding bonuses at the KRSU Science and Technology Development Fund expense.
The main thing is that they wield major influence on graduates’ future, as far as they give additional loyalty points able to play a crucial part when entering the residency.

#Медицинский факультет

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